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Isle of Wight Swift Survey 2014
Since 1994 over half of the entire Swift population in South East England has been lost. Gift to Nature is looking to track down the real hotspots of swift activity, the places where these birds congregate in Island towns and villages and the places where they are most likely to stay and breed.

Please help us track down these amazing birds by completing this survey.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
Have you seen swifts entering or leaving a building?
When did you see them?
Which part of the building did the swifts enter or leave?
Can you describe the building and give a location (as accurate as possible please)?
Have you seen swifts in this area before?
No, just this year
This year and last
Regularly over the past 5 years
Regularly for more than 5 years
Occasionally for more than 5 years

Have you seen noisy parties of low-flying, screaming swifts?
When did you see them?
Where did you see them (as accurately as possible please)?
This survey is being conducted by Natural Enterprise
Survey Software Powered by QuestionPro Survey Software